Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Google Developer Day (GDD) China + Japan presentations available

The June 2009 Google Developer Day presentations and slides are up!

Many of you have asked for copies of my slides and links to the YouTube videos. Here you go.

Building Complex, Scalable Applications on Google App Engine

China, June 5th, 2009
Download slides

Japan, June 9th, 2009
Download slides

Thanks to Brett Slatkin's for his I/O talk.

From Spark Plug to Drive Train: Life of an App Engine Request

China, June 5th, 2009

Thanks to Alon Levi for his I/O talk.

Google Web Toolkit Architecture: Best Practices For Architecting Your GWT App

China, June 5th, 2009
Download slides

Japan, June 9th, 2009
Download slides

Thank to Ray Ryan's original I/O talk

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